Explore the natural world along thoughtful pathways that prompt us to step more fully into attention, sensory exploration, and mindful making - bringing creative practice into the woods and bringing nature back into the studio…

Each workshop shifts the process paradigm to encourage the unfolding of creative energy. This allows us not to be hyper focused on the material outcome. The outdoor immersion session and creative tutorials offer explorations into unique techniques, practices and prompts which may manifest in a myriad of forms (e.g. drawing, photography, movement + memory).

Workshops are applicable to all levels of creative experience from beginner to advanced, as well as all ages. I encourage and engage a broad range of learning styles through creative techniques and nature immersion. If you are unsure which workshop to take, or would like individual instruction, just reach out to me and let’s discuss.

Weaving the natural world into our creative process and our learning landscape.

Transformative, inspirational….and fun! A simple meander through the woods
became an adventure in Lisa’s workshop. By just paying attention to the small
gathering of brown yellow mushrooms nestling behind a decomposing tree,
listening to the sound of water with your brush, closing your eyes and finding
marks to evoke the wind - Lisa’s, workshop at Caratunk created a magical,
inspiring, energizing, and wholly dimensional visual experience.

From the comprehensive drawing pouch (refillable water pen, small notebook
and hand-made watercolor palette!) to cues on how to pay attention using all my
senses, all aspects of this workshop had been considered and I felt like I
connected to the woods in a completely new way.
— Workshop Participant, 2022



“I believe what changes the world is our awareness, and I consider our awareness to be the main act of human beings. Awareness is what we share even with subatomic particles. So, awareness consciousness – is the art.”
– Cecilia Vicuna

”Awe is instructive.’
- Barry Lopez